Digital marketing in Dubai
The role of SEO services in a Digital Marketing Strategy

The Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) process involves developing a website that is not just easy to categorize but also easy to find. SEO is also a fundamental part of any digital marketing strategy. The system is actually an integrated approach to drive customers through a web portal.

Did you know that there are at least 13 billion online searches made every month?

The majority of the businesses that are being run today have become global and have gone online by opting for SEO. So, imagine you took a small portion of that 13 billion to your business, it means that a considerable amount of people have found exactly what they were looking for.

In this regard, SEO provides opportunities for substantial levels of free advertising so that it would make a website rank primarily in the initial pages of SERP & provide good ROI. Let’s take an in-depth look at how SEO contributes to the Digital marketing strategy.

digital marketing-strategy for small business

How does SEO work?

Search Engines are typically software that crawls web-page contents and are text-driven. They perform a specific set of activities like scanning, crawling, storing indexes and recovering. These search engines utilize complex algorithms based on the following factors:

  • Meta tags
  • Inbound link
  • Keyword Density
  • Website Content

The SEO processes
SEO is not a single process rather it is a set of several processes that help with your business ranking online. Let us see what all processes an SEO activity consists of:


The web search engine utilizes a crawler or spider that crawls the website content. A web crawler is actually a software that browses the World Wide Web in a systematic manner as a basis for web indexing. The crawler doesn’t check in every day to see if a page is updated.

In some cases, the web crawler might not visit the web page for months. The web crawlers usually copy all the visited pages so that a search engine processes them later. It also lists down the downloaded pages thus enabling the users to search better.


Once the crawling part is over, the spider stores a specific page in the database. An index is another name used by a search engine for a database. It consists of all the information of the web pages that the search engine was previously able to browse. A specific web page or content is easy to retrieve from the database by either using a keyword or a related search string.

However, if the website isn’t in the search engine’s index, then the users won’t be able to find it using the search engine. The correct optimisation of the page is also required to be done for the search engine to better understand the page content.


Search Engine Algorithms

Like keywords, the search engine algorithms are important & unique for every search engine. The search engine algorithm consists of a set of rules or a unique formula that is used to define the significance of a web page. These rules help determine whether the web page is genuine or spam. Also, it determines whether it contains relevant content that is useful to the users. The three different kinds of search algorithms are on-site, off-site, and whole-site algorithms.


Finally, when the search engine understands the intended content, it retrieves a group of documents that it finds matching to that intended content. The process can be a little complicated with the search extending to many different servers and indexes. The easiest way of achieving this is by gathering a list of existing documents that contain a group of words or keywords aligning to the core concept of the query.

Benefits of SEO

SEO activities help maintain a top position in the search engine result pages which leads to an overall increase in significant traffic for your websites. SEOs provide results that are perceptible and trackable. Similarly, there aren’t any uncertainties when it comes to ROI. SEO has also proven to be one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies. SEO offers assistance to both the search engines and users by making it easier for the search engines to navigate through the site thereby making the site more navigable for the users.

Choose the service of ATEES

If you’re looking for the best SEO services to help promote your business, then it is wise to choose the services of ATEES. For years, we have provided reliable SEO services to different types of clients. Apart from SEO, our other services include social media services, Pay-per-click, digital marketing and branding, web development, etc.

To deliver the best services, we have a team of qualified professionals who constantly monitor the latest updates in the online world & formulates the right strategies that result in better business recognition. Depending on the type of business, we know what strategies deliver the maximum results. We can assure you that you will get to notice better business results in choosing us for your digital needs. We recommend you to check our website or contact us for more information on our services.

social media marketing services
Choosing ATEES as your marketing partner

Do you run a business?

If so, how can you be more successful and profitable? Have you ever noticed the power of Digital Marketing and branding techniques in this regard?. If not, it is not the eleventh hour, you can make use of this innovative platform to boost your business. No matter, what is your business type or size.

Advertising media such as newspapers, Television, Radio are traditional ways to reach people. Now, we are living in a digital world, more and more things and services are digitizing day by day. The average time spent on online media is increasing and the attention span is very high. Advertising for boosting business or establishing a brand name needs a tedious task.

Utmost care should be taken on where, how advertising is placed. One of the effective and powerful techniques for promoting your brand is through the use of advertising via social media marketing services. Currently, the major social networking sites currently are Facebook & Instagram.  Do you use these online sites for interaction and sharing moments?. Yes! We all do. That answer itself shows the popularity and impact of these social networking sites.


Reasons to prefer social media advertising

There are plenty. First of all, it is comparatively cost-effective.

Why do we say so?

When we advertise something we fix a budget and bid a price for each impression or clicks. If our advertisements were effective it will generally lead to getting future customers, leads, and an increase in sales. Often, they may increase Search Engine Ranks and traffic into your websites.

Secondly, it is a dynamic tool as its audience attention span is relatively high. You can simultaneously convey the same message to a larger number of people.

Thirdly, it promotes interaction with customers and helps build a good rapport with existing customers. You can read and analyze their behavior toward your business. Where else do you get such benefits?

Fourthly, the popularity and engagement of people in these sites are increasing day by day. As more people use Facebook, Instagram they can see more relevant advertisements to their taste. The number of active members is not diminishing. Lastly, we can reach to potential customers without any age bar. Despite their ages, they are taking a good part in these sites.

Facebook advertisements marketing analyses and observes consumer’s tastes, likes, location, demographic details creating advertisements. Money spent on social media marketing is always beneficial rather than any other media. Choosing Digital Marketing and Branding services from a good agency provide the best services for your business which in turn is your customers. If your advertisements are good, it will generate high-quality clicks that produce great value for your business.

A brief look at  Facebook business advertising ways

Facebook Messenger Ads

These are the advertisements designed to start instant message-based conversations with potential customers. They are designed in a way, it seems more personal.

Canvas Ads

It is ultimately dedicated to giving a full-screen experience and delivering life to brands or products via mobile.

Story Ads

Story advertisements support every kind of product objective such as brand awareness, reach, conversion rates, installing apps, and generating business leads.

Lead Ads

Lead ads is one of the best options proposed by Facebook ads company. They allow advertisers to collect information from prospects directly from mobile ads.

The popularity of Instagram ads

Instagram is primarily popular for sharing moments, includes high-quality videos and photos. If you are determined to establish a business on Instagram, you have to incorporate your business ideas with people’s aptitudes. This will surely lead increase in followers and future customers.

A recent study revealed that 80% of people discover and follow the business on Instagram. Follow their passion and relate to your business. Business advertising must have a targeted audience and their behavior can be considered creating messages. What are the different types of advertisements?

Photo Ads

Photos can be in parallel or landscape format. They usually convey a message through a clean, beautiful canvas.

Video Ads

Like photo ads, you can bring visual, motion effects to your video ads. The duration of these videos can be up to 60 seconds.

Carousel Ads

Here, you can add a greater layer to advertising, where people can glance at more details just swiping on photos or videos.

Choosing Atees

Investing in social media marketing services will surely make a difference. However, to do that, one must choose the services of a well-known digital marketing company. Various digital marketing companies are offering different kinds of marketing services. If your business needs such services, then ATEES is the best option you can choose. We are known worldwide for our effective digital marketing and branding services that include SEO, SEM, PPC, Email marketing, and more.

We have also done business with several well-known clients and their business has become successful over time. Your business can become different and successful by implementing our renowned social media marketing services. All you need to do is visit our website or contact us to book an appointment.


Well defined Marketing Strategies with captivating content


Powerful websites along with great layout and designs


SEO friendly website with more traffic & better leads


We are the global leaders in providing the most innovative digital marketing solutions & web development services for all types of businesses in the UAE. Our focus is to make your business grow to heights not reachable by your competitors.

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